Scout Responsibility
1. Know where my book and uniforms are.
2. Have my book and any materials needed with me at Den meetings.
3. Complete my at home assignments.
4. Read my book so I can let the Leaders know what I have completed in achievements or electives toward my rank.
5. Meet with my Leaders to update them on completed work in my book.
6. Make sure I know what I am to do for the next meeting before I go.
7. Make sure I know when the next meeting is, and where.
8. Make sure a Leader knows I am leaving with an adult, who met with my Leader before I go.
9. Make sure that I pay my dues on time.
10. I participate in fund-raisers.
11. Make sure that I have an adult with me when attending Scout functions.
12. Try to come to every meeting, and let my Leaders know if I can't make a meeting, or will be late.
13. Treat all Leaders, Den Chiefs, Pack Helpers, and Pack members with respect.
14. Follow the Code of Proper Behavior at Den, and Pack meetings, especially on outings.
15. Help with clean up before I leave a meeting.