Proper Behavior


Be RESPECTFUL of others, at all times

This means:

NO profanity, abusive language, or Racial Slurs.

DO NOT touch anyone’s stuff without their permission!

NO hitting, punching, kicking, spitting at, or name calling.

Do not be disruptive, when someone else is speaking.


Behave as WELL MANNERED young men

This means:


Pay attention when someone is speaking.

Use the courtesies of; Please, Thank you, and Excuse Me.

Stand or sit with both feet on the floor, quietly.

Keep your hands at your side, or on your lap.

Speak quietly. Don’t yell over other’s conversations.


Be a GOOD EXAMPLE as a Scout

This means:

Wear your uniform with pride; keep it clean, and neat.

We work as a team; all personal disagreements are set aside.

A Scout gives GOODWILL!

Act appropriately, and Represent yourself well

Wait your turn to speak, do not interrupt conversations.



They are responsible for your safety.

Leaders, Parents, & Den Chiefs Are Akela

Instructors, Tour Leaders, & Group Leaders

At any place we visit are in authority.


AVOID FIGHTS with others.

Walk away

Find an adult, and stay with that adult, or

Call for assistance. Get someone’s attention.

Get help. Do not take matters into your own hands.