Cub Scout Pack 421 serves the South Norfolk, and surrounding area of Chesapeake Virginia.


1.    Meetings are on Tuesday.  Starting at 6:15pm, and end between 7:30 and 8 pm depending on the activity.  Unless a field trip activity is planned.


2.    We have activities on, Saturday and weekends especially for the Spring clean up season, and Fall popcorn sale.  Expect an average of 2 per month, popcorn season will be more. Yes we do have activities during the Summer, not weekly meetings


3.    Dues are currently $4.00 a month collected at the First meeting of the month.  The first meeting of the month is a Family Pack meeting we expect to see parents.  The exceptions to the first of the month are December, January, Pinewood Derby, and end of year Advancements.


4.    Parents are encouraged to take Youth Protection Training on line, Registered Tiger & Lion partner Must take it. Go to set up an account to take the course on line. Print the completed certificate and bring it to us.


5.    As of the 2018 year: The cost of registration is $33.00, the insurance fee is $12.00, and the Tidewater Council fee is $20.00 for the year ending Dec. 31.  Boy’s Life magazine is not required, but is recommended it is an additional $12.00.  Registered Tiger & Lion partners also pay the insurance fee.


6.    Pack 421 does not collect registration money until you attend 3 meetings or a combination of 3 meetings and activities.  You have 3 meetings to decide if Scouting fits your life schedule.  Once you register you are expected to participate and attend on a regular basis.  We can not refund your money once you register.


7.    We have 2 uniforms; Class A is the official Scout uniform, we require the official shirt, $25 - $40 + $13 for insignia, belt $10 and neckerchief $10, you can purchase less expensive cargo pants in the correct color.  Class B is our working shirt it is our Tie Dye shirt that we have made.  The prices listed are for new uniforms (per online catalog it may have changed), you can get used uniforms.  Handbook $13.00-$19.00


8.    We are a Family based group; younger siblings are permitted at meetings, provided an adult is present to supervise them.  Most outings are Family activities.


9.    Parents are encouraged to initial completed achievements and electives in the book, but each Scout is responsible for meeting with a Leader and getting their work signed off, and registered as completed.  We prefer that the Leader be someone other than their parent.


Contact information: Mr. & Mrs. Bennett 543-6115 email:

web:  calendar:


BSA Rules:


1.    Scouts must be in Kindergarten to be registered, the exception is during the end of the school year when those coming in to grade K can register as in coming.


2.    Kindergarten & First graders must have an adult partner at all times.  There can be more than one partner.


3.    Cub Scouts have 1 year to earn rank, once the school grade year ends, they begin working on the next rank.  The exception is Webelos who have 1 ½ years to earn 2 ranks.



You can find information about Cub Scout Pack 421's activities, and pictures at:
